Wednesday 2 September 2009

S.M.A.R.T. Ritual Abuse/Mind-Control Conference 2009

On the weekend of August 15-16, skeptical journalist Douglas Mesner attended a conference for alleged victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mind-Control in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. This is the first of his 2-part report:

The crude sales booth at the far end of the conference room marketing a more advanced species of tin-foil hat does nothing to allay the suspicion that this is to be a congregation of raving delusional paranoiacs. The hats – an aged, slightly hunched, and shifty-eyed woman quietly explains – are made from a type of metallic fiber weave. They are effective in blocking the transmissions that They use to get inside your mind.

…And the attendees of S.M.A.R.T’s (Stop Mind control And Ritual abuse Today) twelfth annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control conference are all too aware of exactly who “They” are. They may be your neighbors, minister, parents, or co-workers. They might be known as Freemasons, the Illuminati, or Rosicrucians… but they are all Satanists. They covertly trade slaves, organize secret sex rings, brainwash victims, and work insidiously toward a one-world Luciferian empire...

...Four practising mental health professionals give speeches during the course of this conference, each praising the “courage” of the “victims”, asserting the validity of recovered memories, and even sharing their own stories of encounters with the sinister Them...

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