Sunday 18 June 2006

In the UK, a firm of criminal defence strategists, consultants and investigators specialises in fighting cases for those falsely accused of a sexual offence, before trial and after conviction:
One thing that most cases have in common is that they have no direction at all, no plan and usually, in a panic, running from one person to another in an attempt to get help, yet nothing ever seems to get done.
Any innocent person who has been convicted of sexually molesting a child, raping a person or, even murder, is sitting in prison wondering what happened to the very system that is supposed to find the truth, the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth.
They are sitting there, with the realisation that they have done nothing wrong, and have had all their freedom taken from them. They are also sitting there, as a convicted child molester, a rapist, or even a murderer and are hated by every other inmate.
The last thing they need is someone they believe is representing their key to freedom, playing a game with their life. For the sake of the innocent, either do it right or don't get involved.
Its website could provide a useful model for practitioners in Australia to follow –

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